Infertility Specialist In Andheri

book your appointment now in nakshatra hospital because we have best infertility specialist in andheri. Doctors will classify a couple as infertile if they try for a year but are still unable to conceive. For women over 35, the time spent trying to conceive is reduced to six months when an infertility diagnosis is made. For women over 40, a rapid investigation is important. Infertility is not thought to include miscarriage or the inability to carry a child to term. Infertility cases often have a male cause in around one-third of cases, and a female cause in about one-third of instances. The remaining one-third of infertile couples either have infertility brought on by a combination of problems affecting both partners or, in around 20% of cases, have undiagnosed infertility. therefore get in touch with us because Nakshatra hospital has the best infertility specialist in andheri.
Fertility Tests
What Are The Treatment Options?
Book your appointment now in nakshatra hospital because we have best infertility specialist in andheri. Our doctor says that if sperm production is low, couples are frequently advised to lower their frequency of sexual activity and time it to correspond with the ovulation periods of the female spouse. A physical obstruction of the channels that the sperm must go through is frequently treated with surgery to remove adhesions that have closed the tubal pathways or to remove any obstructive growths like cysts that may be present. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) can help men with extremely low sperm counts or sperm that, for some other reason, are unable to fertilise an egg.
What Is The Conclusion?
Contact now and consult with our best infertility specialist in andheri. The recent advances in infertility therapy have given couples who are having problems becoming pregnant a variety of options. Pharmaceuticals, procedures, and assisted reproductive technologies including in vitro fertilisation (IVF) are the most often used therapies for infertility. Men's sperm motility and count can be increased with medication, and women's ovulation can be induced with medication. Surgery could be necessary to solve some issues, such as blockages or abnormal growths that are preventing pregnancy. In IVF, the eggs are fertilised outside before being placed in the woman's uterus.Therefore get in touch with us because Nakshatra hospital has the best infertility specialist in andheri.
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